
From The Continent Chronicles
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Political details
Country The city state of Tonaran
Government Gole of Tonaran
Historical details
Established c. 340 SR

Tonaran was an important city state during the second revolution, widely known as an impenetrable fortress due to its sophisticated fortifications, as well as a trained army that attracted people from all over Heran.

Known as "the City That Defeated the Gods", Tonaran's reputation prevented many warlords from attempting to march on the city for half a revolution. It was finally defeated in 1513 by Kren Oordar, who thought he was attacking Kamey-Yr. The attack was completely unexpected and the city fell after two days of fighting. Its reputation, however, did not suffer, instead elevating the reputation of Oordars as legendary warriors.

Tonaran then became the seat of the Oordar clan and later the Dormon family.

Tonaran's centrality in western Tarnaria during Moroh, however, was due to its role as a major food importer. Its location on the bank of Erna allowed it to trade with Homestead, Ronas and Teamatian. It also became the ultimate destination for recreation.


Early history

Tonaran was a fortress near Luzoh, one of the ancient cities of Asdoh. Luzoh was abandoned after Asdoh had been effectively dissolved by military and political pressure from Stogen. However, a number of nobles and their families decided to stay in the city. Wealthier citizens from Estonoh, the former capital of Asdoh, began to migrate to the north, and some ended up in Luzoh.

Families quickly moved to Tonaran which was considered to be safer against the constant threat of Stogen, as well as opportunistic toors forming in the area en masse. As more families moved in, the fortress began to be expanded.

The Western Gates

TBD: Main food importer. Sex, food and recreation for the traveling kingdoms.

The City That Defeated the Gods

The official date of Tonaran's founding comes only about 150 years later. It's not clear who was ruling the city at the time, but a letter from the "Gole of Tonaran" is recorded in 342 SR in Maird, inviting the king of Maird to the second anniversary of the city's founding.

As the age of Moroh completely took hold of northern Tarnaria, the area of former Asdoh was now dominated by numerous toors, constantly fighting for resources and domination. Tonaran's position on the eastern bank of Erna made it a gateway to both the Commonground from the west and to Ronas and Teamatian from Tarnaria.

Its position and wealth began to irritate toors that wanted to inflict enough damage on it to force it to pay tribute. It was also the only major Xaewoon Blue city state in the area. But Tonaran managed to retain a powerful army and constantly improved its defenses. Its position on the bank of Erna made it very difficult to lay a siege. Additionally, it itself began to play the economics game, promoting serving in its army which actively sought out individual toors and battled them. Tonaran also began to play a role in north-central Continent.

Tonaran's reputation as an impenetrable fortress became entrenched when several consecutive armies headed by famed superhero warriors were decisively defeated.

Blue Shield Squad were a group of superhero warriors from Commonground who have made a name for themselves during a battle at the Koatooy river on Laeooy Coast. They then promised to become the rulers of Tarnaria and began by marching on Tonaran, but were killed in the ensuing battle.

Seat of the Oordar clan

The Dormon period

The fall