Laeooy Coast

Revision as of 16:02, 4 October 2021 by The chronicler (talk | contribs)
Laeooy coast.png

Laeooy Coast /læ'jʊiː/ is a densely populated coast of the Kost Sea. Historically, however, peoples of Laeooy Coast included settlements and kingdoms as deep into the continent as Koalderood.

It is one of the oldest populated areas of the northern Continent. Some of the earliest settlements and cities are located on the coast. It is also known for it abundant belequel and tin deposits that make it the center of mining and metalworking.

Laeooy Coast was the object of desire of many kingdoms and empires. Kings of Toor tried conquering it for several generations until finally succeeding under Mosk-Sopoh Dolysoh. When the Chaos wars led to the Laeooy Coast becoming an independent region as part of Commonground, Gaskal attempted to reclaim it for centuries.