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Superhero warrior
Powers an uncontrolled ability to dramatically heat up anything he would touch
Personal details

Agzor /'yɑgzɑːr/ was a superhero warrior and one of the Five Kings of the north. He is known for the destruction of Chusoh, which marked the downfall of Toor. Among the Utuka he was known as Kolar Mran, which translates to Capricious Fox, due to his clothing that featured red and orange colors.

Early life

Agzor had an uncontrolled ability to dramatically heat up anything he would touch. Born in Chusoh into a wealthy family, at some point in his childhood he accidentally set fire to their house and his parents and siblings died. He was then raised in the palace by Gole Tōrmoh. When the boy turned 12, Gole convinced him to leave the city, so as not to hurt anyone. Agzor went east and built a house of stone in a town of Lōris. Eventually, he crossed the Quoon river and lived in the snowy wilderness.

It is around this time that the Chusoh court began to use the threat of Agzor against the miners at Koalderood, Dverbe and other regions. Whether Gole Tōrmoh had personally suggested this or was even aware of this is unknown.

The destruction of Chusoh

Agzor entering the royal palace in Chusoh

When the conflict known as Chaos wars was in its full force in 73 SR, the elderly Gole Tōrmoh sent for Agzor and tasked him with burning down the rebels' camp. It is likely that by this time Gole Tōrmoh was already dead, and Agzor did not stop at Chusoh on his way to Koalderood. Instead, he set off for a journey across the dry plains of Kōnzoh. He stopped at an inn in the middle of the plain. Having lived in exile for most of his life, he knew little about the situation in Toor. He got into a conversation with the barkeep and learned of the uprising, but also that Chusoh had threatened the miners with Agzor, calling him "absolutely loyal to the Gole" and acquiring the nickname "Tōrmoh's Pet Destroyer".

This angered Agzor, but he did not reveal his identity and continued on to Koalderood. When he arrived there, he was saddened by the poverty of the people and impressed by their will to fight for their freedom. Again, without revealing his identity, he left Koalderood, feeling betrayed by Gole Tōrmoh.

According to the popular account, which Porteek argues could very well be accurate, Agzor entered the palace and then took off his shoes and began to walk slowly across the room to the empty throne, surrounded by Gole's advisors and courtiers. The floor under his feet began to smolder. As Agzor stopped in front of the throne, he demanded to see Gole Tōrmoh. And then the floor began to burn.

Fire quickly spread and the palace began to burn. Hundreds of palace inhabitants were trapped and died, while the fire moved from the palace to the surrounding houses. The fire ravaged for the next 4 days, destroying most of the city and killing thousands of inhabitants. Both Porteek and Ludoh date the event at 72 SR, possibly early autumn. Porteek mentions a document that records the secession of Deeras from Toor, which is dated December 73 SR, although the referenced document has not survived.

War with Barud

Main article: Battle of Kustichoh

After enacting his revenge, Agzor left east. Less then 6 months later Gened sent for him, to stand against Barud. Agzor readily agreed, still feeling guilty for being used as a threat against freedom-loving people. He traveled to Kustichoh where the rest of the armies have gathered.

As one of the Five Kings

Agzor king.jpg

After the battle of Kustichoh, Agzor joined Gened and traveled with him. Gened became a mentor and a father figure for Agzor. Agzor later referred to this time as The Wandering Years, and credited his conversations with Gened as setting him on the journey to find his Mamkoon.

Agzor became one of the Five Kings, tasked by Gened to protect peace and freedom of peoples in the east. As he parted with Gened, Jolder, Rolee and Fogon, he never met them again and spent the rest of his life away from major events. His fame and powers, however, did indeed preserve peace in the east, benefiting Deeras, Gaskal and Ydoh Rol, but also making the lands of Utuka unavailable for settlement or exploration.


Agzor had an uncontrolled ability to heat up most materials by merely touching them with his skin. The effect did not work on sheepskin leather and, interestingly, on ice or water, but heating up was especially dramatic for wood, metal and most types of soil.

Throughout his life Agzor wore sheepskin leather gloves and high platform boots, because he wanted to stay as far from the ground as possible. This changed towards the end of his life when he was frequently seen not wearing gloves or special boots. It is speculated that this is the first documented use of Ydoh Rol's Sanctuary.