Uroh Mysoh

Uroh Mysoh /'miːsə/ was a noble who lived in Gaskal in 19th CFR. She was a Maad and was married to Beloh Pyr, who was the negotiator for the Kingdom of Maad.

In 1840 FR she was found dead in the attic of her mansion after Beloh returned from a lengthy trip. She had been missing for almost a month, with the servants assuming that she had left with her husband.

Uroh Lorkyn's investigation later revealed that the servants were lying. Instead, their prejudice towards Mysoh as a foreigner led them to believe that their new mistress left the house on her own, either because she had an affair or because she got homesick and decided to return to her family in Maad.

The murder is believed to have been executed by Gorōntoh Kōtele. It is also the first murder that Uroh Lorkyn believed went explicitly against Forod's will, which is probably why in 1842 Kōtele was forced to marry Naamon Pyr, the brother of Beloh Pyr, although the exact reasoning behind this move is unknown. Porteek suggests that this was done as Forod's gesture towards a family he was close to and felt was wronged by him: a marriage to the Royal Seer increased the Pyr family's standing. Naamon Pyr eventually became a pōntim and replaced his brother in the Chamber of Honor.

Mlan speculates that other circumstances could be at play. For instance, he notes that Lorkyn's active involvement in the investigations ceases after that up until he is recruited by Mod Slomeek. This might hint that Lorkyn informed one of the parties, possibly the Pyr family, about the involvement of Kōtele. The weakness of this theory is that the acceptance of the murderer into the family doesn't seem like a likely reaction. On the other hand, it is possible that the family was informed about the involvement of Forod. The only difficulty with this version is that Lorkyn's correspondence and notes suggest that he was aware of another senior figure behind the murders by Kōtele, but did not seem to know who that person could have been exactly.

The reason for the murder is not entirely clear, but the main possibility is that Kōtele might have reacted to persistent rumors that Mysoh was a fraud. Since the Pyr family was close to Forod, Kōtele might have decided that the suspicious foreigner was to be eliminated.