Gol Nua Sovtōndoh

From The Continent Chronicles
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Gol Nua Sovtōndoh /gɑːl nɔɪ sɑːv'tɔːndə/ was a high ranking official and a noble in Gorōna Oordar's court. It was rumored that they had an affair.

Sovtōndoh became involved with the Coming of Vaona, become one of its founder's regents. Thus, he hadn't followed Gorōna to Qep after she lost power to Nilma and continued running several councils, controlling hundreds of believers and waging war against the royal guard. He was specifically hunted by Nilma who wanted to punish him for his affair with Gorōna. In 1599, Sovtōndoh fled Mantar, believing that that might make Nilma uninterested in aggressively pursuing the cult. He also took several counselors with him, suggesting that they will pave the way for the rest to leave Mantar, as this was the ultimate goal.

Nilma began a two year long hunt for Sovtōndoh. When he and his group were finally cornered at Natstak at the end of 1600, he managed to evade Nilma's spies and flee across Quoon river into Qep. This made Nilma invade Qep in 1601 for the second time, and this time overrunning the region and subjugating it under his rule.

Sovtōndoh's exact fate is unknown and no records of him exist after 1600, making it likely that he died soon thereafter.