Western Dantrian civilization

Western Dantrian civilization /'dæntriə/ or sometimes /'deɪntriə/, frequently referred to as Western Dantria or even simply Dantria, was an ancient civilization that dominated the Continent for more than 8 centuries. Primarily represented by Western Dantria, it is more broadly defined as the Dantrian Complex, which included Western Dantria, Central Dantria, Wunnah and Land. Its trading, political and military center was the city of Tavoe, which later became part of what was known as the Diamond, a group of four major dantrian cities: Tavoe, Kalchinge, Walneer and Gungon.
The Western Dantrian Civilization came to an unexpected end in the beginning of the third revolution, when in 114 TR the superhero warrior Lydian wiped out most of the population and cities of Wunnah, Western and Central Dantria, destroying centuries worth of science, history, literature and art. The world's population was reduced by an estimated 10-20%, and scientific progress is believed to have been set back by centuries.