Mosk-Sopoh Dolysoh

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Mosk-Sopoh Dolysoh
The Destroyer
Gole of Toor
Reign 1848-1870 FR
Predecessor Meerō Dolysoh
Successor Beejetoh Dolysoh
Personal details
Born 1829 FR
Died 1870 FR
Parents Meerō Dolysoh and Toves Goonoh

Mosk-Sopoh Dolysoh, born Mosk Dolysoh and also known as Sopoh II and Mosk Sopohed, was the fourth gole of Toor, notable for conquering the Laeooy Coast, destroying the major city state of Troun and ending Tirna's status as an independent kingdom.

Mosk grew up in Gaskal and was Meerō's eldest son. Having turned 12, he accompanied his father on the Red Orchid campaign which was an unsuccessful attempt at defeating Tirna and Troun. He would later recount this time in his memoirs, saying:

"I was embarrassed for my family. I was embarrassed for my father. And I knew that I wanted to punish our enemies. But I also wanted to punish those in the room who said nothing. They were cowards, and cowards deserve death."

The embarrassment that he mentions might relate to the humiliation that Gutsag, the gole of Tirna, subjected Meerō to: throughout the siege Gutsag had not only numerous times sent letters with insults by throwing them with rocks over the walls, but also had musicians and a choir perform songs with offensive lyrics about Meerō every morning.


Mosk chose to rule under the name Sopoh and was referred to by Ludoh as Sopoh II and by Porteek as Mosk-Sopoh. A version of the latter name can also be spotted in the inscriptions in the Gaskal royal palace, written as "Mosk Sopohed", which can be translated as Mosk of Sopoh.

Campaign against Tirna

Mosk-Sopoh opened his reign with an immediate march on Tirna. This campaign is known as the Green Cherry and was a resounding success, which also earned the new gole respect among his Jeens.

Unlike his father, Mosk-Sopoh was not in the habit of preparing for a campaign for years, instead putting together an army quickly and counting on the element of surprise. Additionally, he introduced the idea of first attacking Tirna from water and then, when most forces would be focused on the coastal side of the city, enter it from its southern gates. As Toor did not have warships, the attack was commenced at night, with hundreds of sailing ships carrying archers that began to fire flaming spears. This set Tirna's port and fleet on fire.

In the morning toorians attacked the southern gates and were able to easily enter the city. Tirna was then sacked and Mosk-Sopoh ordered its inhabitants slaughtered. He then had a choir perform a Porteek references several toorian sources that have not survived that explain that the brutal treatment was not simply due to Mosk-Sopoh's personal hatred of Tirna and how it embarrassed his father, but that he needed to be sure that he won't be attacked from behind when marching further west.

A relief in the Gaskal royal palace shows the toorians bringing back the spoils of war. The inscription below says:


Conflict with Deeras

Meerō honored his father's agreement with the Deeras family and Deeras was treated as an independent land. However, the consensus of nobility in Gaskal was that Deeras should at some point be confronted and begin contributing to the treasury. Uroh Maadoh became the negotiator with Deeras and established regular correspondence with them.

By the end of Meerō's reign, Uroh Maadoh began sounding the alarm that the population of Deeras had increased dramatically, due to the many Negy opting to migrate to the region and settle. Uroh Maadoh argued that Deeras might become a threat to Toor and choose to invade like they have during the reign of Opol.

The new gole was much more receptive to Uroh Maadoh and after the army returned from the campaign against Tirna,

Uroh Maadoh warns about Deeras and Mosk-Sopoh adds pressure. At this time naddians attack and meanwhile Deeras instigates an invasion by hiring several armies from Oaleed and others. Mosk-Sopoh is not able to respond to the naddians and Ydoh Rol is ransacked. Mosk-Sopoh invades Deeras and defeats their main city, but is badly defeated on his way out of the mountainous area. At this time Troun invades. Mosk-Sopoh responds and is successful, but a lot of losses and Ydoh Rol is again ransacked. Meanwhile, Deeras invades southern Toor. Mosk-Sopoh then marches to quell the invasion. Deeras forces retreat and toorians follow and again dealt a huge blow on the way out, with Mosk-Sopoh almost losing his entire army. Naddians meanwhile completely destroy all the fleet of Toor and decimate Ydoh Rol again. Mosk-Sopoh then marches on Nadd and Troun. A battle at Tirna ruins. Eventually Nadd and Troun are defeated. Deeras gets bad rep due to their entrance into Ydoh Rol and Barud prepares for an invasion. Deeras then reaches out to Mosk-Sopoh and agrees to become his subject in exchange for protection. However, both sides remember that the war is costly and Deeras and Toor never again enter into a military conflict.

Nadd survives Mosk-Sopoh due to a superhero warrior Mran Gantorn from Gantolia arriving. His powers have shielded the city without neither him nor the citizens realizing that they were about to be attacked.